Source code for drmr.exceptions

# drmr: A tool for submitting pipeline scripts to distributed resource
# managers.
# Copyright 2015 Stephen Parker
# Licensed under Version 3 of the GPL or any later version

import subprocess

[docs]class ConfigurationError(EnvironmentError): pass
[docs]class ControlError(subprocess.CalledProcessError): """ Base exception for job control commands: submit, delete, alter. """ action = '' def __init__(self, returncode, cmd, output=None, job_ids=None): self.returncode = returncode self.cmd = cmd self.output = output self.job_ids = job_ids or [] def __str__(self): job_list = self.job_ids and ' job{} {}'.format(len(self.job_ids) > 1 and 's' or '', ', '.join(self.job_ids)) return "Error {}{}: '{}' returned non-zero exit status {:d}".format( self.action and 'trying to ' + self.action, job_list, ' '.join(self.cmd), self.returncode )
[docs]class DeletionError(ControlError): action = 'delete'
[docs]class SubmissionError(ControlError): action = 'submit'