Source code for drmr.config

# drmr: A tool for submitting pipeline scripts to distributed resource
# managers.
# Copyright 2015 Stephen Parker
# Licensed under Version 3 of the GPL or any later version

import json
import logging
import os

import drmr.drm.PBS
import drmr.drm.Slurm
import drmr.exceptions

    'PBS': drmr.drm.PBS.PBS,
    'Slurm': drmr.drm.Slurm.Slurm,

[docs]def get_available_resource_managers(): available_resource_managers = [] for name, rm in RESOURCE_MANAGERS.items(): if rm().is_installed(): available_resource_managers.append(name) return available_resource_managers
[docs]def get_resource_manager(name): """Given the name of a resource manager, return an instance of it.""" if name in RESOURCE_MANAGERS: return RESOURCE_MANAGERS[name]() raise drmr.exceptions.ConfigurationError('Unrecognized resource manager "{}"'.format(name))
[docs]def guess_resource_manager(): """Try to determine the resource manager in use.""" logger = logging.getLogger("{}.{}".format(__name__, guess_resource_manager.__name__)) available_resource_managers = get_available_resource_managers() if available_resource_managers: logger.debug('Available resource managers: {}'.format(available_resource_managers)) if len(available_resource_managers) > 1: raise drmr.exceptions.ConfigurationError('Multiple resource managers are available: {}'.format(available_resource_managers)) return available_resource_managers[0] else: raise drmr.exceptions.ConfigurationError('No recognized resource manager found.')
[docs]def load_configuration(config=None, file=None): """Loads a drmr config in JSON format. If a configuration dictionary is supplied, only the parameters for which it lacks values will be updated. So you can for example parse command line arguments, put them in a dictionary, and backfill it from the user config file. If file is not specified, it defaults to ~/.drmrc. """ if config is None: config = {} logger = logging.getLogger("{}.{}".format(__name__, load_configuration.__name__)) if not file: file = os.path.expanduser('~/.drmrc') if os.path.exists(file): with open(file) as rc: rc = json.load(rc) for k, v in rc.items(): if not config.get(k): config[k] = rc[k] else: raise drmr.exceptions.ConfigurationError('Specified configuration file ({}) does not exist.'.format(file)) if 'resource_manager' not in config: try: config['resource_manager'] = guess_resource_manager() logger.debug("""No resource manager configured, so I'm going with the one I found, {}.""".format(config['resource_manager'])) except drmr.exceptions.ConfigurationError as e: available_resource_managers = get_available_resource_managers() raise drmr.exceptions.ConfigurationError("""Could not determine your resource manager.\n{}\nPlease specify the one you're using in your ~/.drmrc under "resource_manager", e.g.:\n\n{{"resource_manager": "{}"}}\n""".format(e, available_resource_managers and available_resource_managers[0] or 'Slurm')) return config